Wednesday, December 2, 2009


One essay I did was actually not really an essay at all. I created a PowerPoint creative narrative so basically it was all about me and my life and my family and my favorite things. For a sample of this I will show you the many pictures that were in my power point.

This is Red Rocks Amphitheatre
One of my favorite places to go.
It is so breath taking and peaceful.

Words to live by:

I love all music
I love Bob Marley and Rage.

I am on the right,
the handsome man on
the right is the love of
my life and my future husband.

H1N1 Vacine

This essay I wrote about the H1N1 vacine, its ment to be an argument essay because I am arguing against all the news articles that tell you the vacine is harmless and to get yourself and your kids vacinated. The point to my essay is to get people to do there own resurch and not take anyones word for it when it comes to something as serious as this vacine. I revele the truth I found in my research, here is a sample from that essay.

While researching the H1N1 vaccine I learned about many of the ingredients that are in it. One is called Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80) which is a drug that causes infertility. Polysorbate 80’s purpose is to assist in the delivery of certain drugs across the blood-brain barrier. Should these drugs be passing through to our brains? What do you think that will do to our children’s immune systems? Also one of the main ingredients is thimerosal which is a form of mercury, which everyone knows can cause very serious health problems. In fact Immunologist Hugh Fudenburg stated that there is compelling evidence that people who get 5 consecutive flu shots in a 10 year period are 10 times more likely to get alzheimers because of the accumulation of aluminum and mercury. Squalene is another top ingredient, squalene has never been approved in the US as safe and can cause blindness, autoimmune disease, and low sperm count in males. No time to list them all but the only ingredient that does not have very harmful effects is egg protein, which even then a lot of people are allergic to eggs.

Literacy New Meaning

Illiterate, what do you think of when you hear this word? At first I thought of someone who does not know how to read and write, but looking at it deeper I questioned myself. Do Americans consider people of another language who cannot read or write English illiterate? If so why? If an American cannot read or write other languages does that make them illiterate? No, but why? Looking at it like this made me realize really no one is illiterate. I now see literacy as the ability to send and receive messages using any type of communication. In this case there are many different types of literacy. We gain literacy from the time we are born, constantly learning how to communicate to others from the things we see and hear. With all this then being my new understanding of literacy I start to think where am I literate and where am I not. I am literate in English I am not literate in other languages. I am literate in math if you would consider that a form but then I could go on forever about the things I understand and can about. I have also just recently become literate in the medical profession because I am in school for my radiology technologist’s degree so I have to take classes specifically to teach medical terminology. Without knowing how to understand a doctor’s orders you are illiterate to them. The amount of knowledge available is infinite. Literacy to me is important, the thing you need to know is some of it will just come to you naturally, and some of it you have to work for but it’s worth it.

Monday, November 30, 2009


One of my most favorite things I ever wrote was my Woodstock essay. This essay was about the largest concert ever that happened in Bethal, New York in 1969. I discuss how Woodstock was a movement that changed and shaped history. This is an exert from the essay that I would like to share.

This temporary community of strangers proved to themselves and so many others that as people all we all we need to be happy is a lot of love, the freedom to be who we want to be and a little bit of music to bring it all together. If proved that we could be happy living without an establishment of rules and social expectations. For three days the attendees of Woodstock festival had all of this, they lived in their ideal community, away form the stresses of the outside world. they had their ideals materialized in front of them and made into reality, now decades later we can all embrace these ideals in out own way.

Men in Advertising

In a recent group project we wrote an essay that analized men in advertising; our focus was the different stereotypes of males that are in advertising. My section of the essay was about the "sexy man" stereotype. This is an exert from my paragraph of the essay.

In cologne advertisements, and boxer commercials, the men have washboard abs, long shinny hair, beautiful eyes, and are over all just gorgeous. So it makes you wonder who the commercials target audience is. If it's a male product you would think it is targeting the male consumer, but men don't want to look at other, probably sexier, mend half naked. Where as women love to watch the Bod commercials and Calvin Cline poster boards make girls double take.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sampling as a Substitute for Composition

There are many different kinds of sampling that can be used in essays or presentations. One way to sample is to do a collaborative essay, this means that a group of people work together to make one essay, this can be difficult because you have to combine all of the groups ideas and all of the members different voices, you need to make sure everyone does the same amount of work but when you are writing one paper this can be tricky. My english group and I wrote an essay that is about men in advertising, the way we organized it was we assigned different parts of the essay to different people, then once we all had our paragraph done we had one person put them together in order and see how it sounds. Some parts were needed taken out to make the paragraphs flow together, and we needed to change wording so that it was all 3ed person and the voices were blended. I think this way of writing an essay was harder then I thought it would be but at the same time it was nice because we got to combined out ideas and make the best essay possible.